Splatoon Clone


This project was developed in three and a half weeks for a Game Programming final at California State University Chico. The assignment had me recreate a mechanic from a game of my choosing.

I chose to recreate the movement system from Nintendo’s Splatoon franchise because it would allow me to practice HLSL shader programming, and try my hand at creating a character controller from scratch. 

The biggest challenges were getting a painting system up and running, then getting the character controller to dynamically react to the paint.

There were some hiccups and shortcomings, but overall I’m satisfied that I was able to implement all the core features in the given time limit.

The Paint System

At the heart of the paint system is SplatMask.shader [fig 1]. It draws to a render texture (henceforth referred to as the “splatmap”) using several properties that control the stroke’s position, radius, color, and hardness.
The only hard requirements were that objects not owning the splatmap (IE projectiles) could issue a request to paint with a specific location and color.
Since painting did not seem to be a significant bottleneck, I focused my optimization efforts elsewhere.

v2f vert(appdata v) {
    v2f o;
    o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
    o.uv = v.uv;
    float4 uv = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
    uv.xy = (v.uv.xy * 2 - 1) * float2(1, _ProjectionParams.x);
    o.vertex = uv;
    return o;
float4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target {  
    float4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
    float m = mask(i.worldPos, _SplatPos, _Radius, _Hardness);
    float edge = m * _Strength;
    return lerp(col, _InkColor, edge);

fig. 1: SplatMask.shader vertex and fragment shaders. The vertex shader projects the mesh into UV space to be painted. The fragment shader uses a circular falloff to paint the stroke.

public void DrawSplat(Vector3 worldPosfloat radiusfloat hardnessfloat strength, Color inkColor) {
    splatMaterial.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_Radius"), radius);
    splatMaterial.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_Hardness"), hardness);
    splatMaterial.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_Strength"), strength);
    splatMaterial.SetVector(Shader.PropertyToID("_SplatPos"), worldPos);
    splatMaterial.SetVector(Shader.PropertyToID("_InkColor"), inkColor);
    cmd.DrawRenderer(GetComponent<Renderer>(), splatMaterial, 0);
    cmd.Blit(tempM, splatmap, alphaCombiner);

fig. 2: SplatableObject.cs

For a terrain mesh to be paintable it must implement SplatableObject.cs [fig 2] as a component.

A Splatable Object component stores references to the splatmap, Inkable Surface material, and Splat Mask shader.

Its public DrawSplat() function first sets parameters on the Splat Mask shader, then uses a command buffer to draw the shader output to the splatmap.

More specifically, the output is first stored in a temporary variable, which is blended with the actual splatmap using a simple blend shader.

Finally the splatmap is fed to the Inkable Surface material, which interprets it as a mask before actually rendering the ink.

fig. 3: Video demonstrating how the splatmap is used to paint an object. The splatmap is displayed in the top left corner of the video.

Reading The Splatmap

Read Pixels

Reading pixel data from the splatmap poses a challenge because the data needs to be moved from a render texture, which lives on the GPU, to a C# script on the CPU.  Unity provides an easy way to do this with the Texture2D.ReadPixels function, but this method is extremely slow.

dst = new Texture2D(11, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);
RenderTexture.active = splatmap;
dst.ReadPixels(new Rect((int)_textureCoords.x, (int)_textureCoords.y, 11), 00);

fig. 4 ReadPixels implementation.

We can make a couple optimizations.

First, raycasts are used to determine the texture coordinates of the pixel before making the call. Meaning only one pixel needs to be sent back.

Secondly, we can use a coroutine to reduce the number of calls to Read Pixels. 

Usually input delay is unacceptable for player controllers. But in this case we are reading the splatmap beneath the player, and since the player capsule has some diameter there can be a small delay before sinking into the ink and it won’t feel off.

These optimizations help, but ReadPixels is fundamentally slow because it stalls the CPU while waiting on the render thread to finish before sending data back.


With further research I found Unity’s AsyncGpuReadback class.

This class does the same thing as ReadPixels, albeit on more generic data, and it allows the CPU to continue running while it waits on said data.

This means the data will usually be a few frames old by the time the CPU gets it, but as established earlier a slight delay is okay.

var rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(110, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat);
Graphics.CopyTexture(target, 00, (int)(uv.* target.width), (int)(uv.* target.height), 11, rt, 0000);
AsyncGPUReadback.Request(rt, 0, TextureFormat.ARGB32, OnCompleteReadback);

fig. 5 AsyncGpuReadback implementation.

Profiling each method in an isolated build shows that AsyncGpuReadback generally has a smaller rendering load on the CPU compared to ReadPixels [fig. 6-7].

Furthermore, just like with ReadPixels an extra delay can be added between AsynGpuReadback calls.

The end result is that AsyncGpuReadback is far more scalable than ReadPixels. In the second comparison each procedure gets called one hundred times per cycle using a for loop [fig. 8-9] (albeit I can not think of a practical reason why you would want to run the procedure that frequently).

fig. 6-7: ReadPixels (top) versus AsyncGpuReadback (bottom).

fig. 8-9: ReadPixels running 100 times per cycle (top) versus AsyncGpuReadback running 100 times per cycle (bottom).

Final Implementation

While AsyncGpuReadback gets significantly better results, it does introduce some more complexity to the code.

I created a SplatmapReader.cs class so any object could use this functionality, however AsyncGpuReadback works by making the request then passing the data to a callback function implemented in the same class. This makes it hard to get the data back to the original caller.

To solve this issue I included a parameter for a delegate in Splatmap Reader’s public ReadPixel() function. A copy of the delegate gets saved by Splatmap Reader, and when AsynGpuReadback finishes it uses that delegate to pass the pixel Color back to the original caller.

In my case the original caller is the PlayerController, which implements splatmap reading procedures in two functions.

UpdateMovementState() requests data from a SplatmapReader object, then FinishUpdateMovementState() processes the returned data. 

FinishUpdateMovementState()  perpetuates the loop by calling UpdateMovementState() with a delay. The delay time is exposed so it can be easily adjusted to maintain a good balance between accuracy and performance.

fig. 10: Player Controller’s splatmap reading cycle.

Player Controller

Basic Approach

Rather than using the physics engine or a prebuilt character controller, I wrote simple character and camera controls from scratch. I wanted to challenge myself with an unfamiliar approach to player controls.


The character capsule does use Unity’s collision detection via a rigidbody component, but it does not simulate any physics. Simple gravity, input, and collision corrections are all calculated in my PlayerController.cs class.

fig. 11: Basic player controls.

Movement States

To handle different interactions with the ink, PlayerController.cs implements four movement states. The movement states are defined in the public MovementState enum, which includes Walking, Swimming, WallSwimming, and EnemyInk.

Player Controller continually updates a current movement state variable using the UpdateMovementState() and FinishUpdateMovementState() functions, which were partially described in the previous section.

When determining the movement state, UpdateMovementState() uses raycasts to probe the splatmap in front of and beneath the player.

/// Forward probe
Ray ray = new Ray(origin, mesh.transform.forward);
bool isValidHit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, capsule.radius + .1f);
surfaceProbeHit = hit;
if (isValidHit && currentMovementState != MovementState.EnemyInk) {
    splatObj = hit.collider.GetComponent<SplatableObject>();
    if(splatObj) {
        splatmapReader.ReadPixel(splatObj.Splatmap, hit.textureCoord, FinishUpdateMovementSate);

fig. 12: Since the player cannot transform into a squid if they are in enemy ink, a forward probe is only done if the current movement state does not equal EnemyInk. This also means if the forward probe hits, the ink on the floor is irrelevant. So only one pixel needs to be read per cycle.

If either the probe hits a Splatable Object, a request is sent to a Splatmap Reader object for the color at the hit’s texture coordinates.

FinishUpdateMovementState() acts as the callback function that Splatmap Reader passes the color to.

Team Ink Colors

One challenge was getting FinishUpdateMovementState() to determine if the color corresponds with friendly ink or enemy ink.

Comparing two RGB colors could be imprecise, while having multiple splatmaps would increase complexity.

However, I was able to use the color’s RGBA values to my advantage. I chose to have the splatmap alpha value represent if ink is present or not. 

The red channel then represents “Team 1” ink, while the green channel represents “Team 2” ink. 

The advantage to this approach is the player controller only needs to check which channel dominates to determine the ink color. Of course, Splatoon has many colors other than red and green, so the output shader uses channels as masks to lerp between different colors. This means designers can freely change team colors via parameters on the material without the need to update data in the player controller.

fig. 13: The Inkbale Surface shader gives the final visual output of the ink.

Wall Climbing

Default walking, swimming on the floor, and walking in enemy ink are all fairly trivial movement states (only the max speed and animation need updating). But if the movement state equals Swimming and the player starts pushing up against an inked wall, they begin swimming up the wall. To achieve this I conceptually separated horizontal and vertical movement calculations. Unfortunately this split is unclear in the code because I had to cut some corners in PlayerController.cs. More on this in the following section.

/// Wall Swimming
if (surfaceProbeHit.collider && 
    Vector3.Dot(surfaceProbeHit.normal, Vector3.up) - slopeCheckTolerance < minSlopeGradation
    && color.> inkAlphaMinThreshold && color.> color.&& isSquid)
    print("Wall Swimming");
    currentMovementState = MovementState.WallSwimming;
    maxHorizontalSpeed = baseMaxHorizontalSpeed;
    grounded = false;
    Invoke("UpdateMovementState", updateMovementStateDelay);

fig. 14: Conditions for the Wall Swimming movement state in PlayerController.cs.

fig. 15: demonstration of all movement states.

Limitations and What I'd Do Differently

Looking back on the project, my biggest mistake was spending too much time polishing the shaders early on. Within a few days I had the basic elements of the paint system and splatmap reader worked out. But then I got sidetracked working on purely visual things like normal maps and sheen.

I also had to spend a few days working on other classes, so by the time I started the character controller I had under two weeks left. This caused a lot of stress in the second half of the project. Had I focused on a minimal functional product for the shaders early on, I could’ve started the controller with a lot more time and polished things later. This would have at least reduced stress levels, and at best helped me to get more done.


As for the impact working on the shaders first did have, The character controller ended up a lot messier than I would have liked. It still has some bugs and inconveniences like not being able dynamically change the team channel, despite the shader being designed to support that.


However, as previously stated I am happy with the progress made given the time frame. I got all of the major elements working and got to learn about shader programming and custom character controllers along the way.