Game Programming


Tools Intern

Infinity Ward

  • Focused on solving technical UI and pipeline problems to optimize and introduce faster workflows for creatives.
  • Worked primarily in Python with additional programming in C++ and C#.
  • Helped foster a welcoming environment by participating in discussions, meetings, and events with the various teams and other interns at the company.
  • Presented the results of my work in a company wide expo.

Networked Physics

A bespoke client side prediction system for my pinball themed shooter. Recent work includes the new net code and improved AI systems.

Splatoon Clone

Core mechanics of Nintendo’s Splatoon series recreated in three weeks for a class final. Primary tools are HLSL, Unity shader graph, and C#.

Tsunami Takedown

9th Annual Chico Game Jam

I served as project lead during this 48 hour jam. My responsibilities included organizing tasks, overseeing technical implementation, implementing animations in Unity, programming character controls, and performing debugging on all scripts.

Chain Chomp Enemy AI

I built the chain chomp, from the model to the code, on my own. This was an early project I did to familiarize myself with different aspects of production and learn where my passion lays.




Cyberpunk 2077 inspired scene made for CAGD 230: Digital Modeling at Chico State, in collaboration with my classmates Anna and Leland.