Tools Intern - Infinity Ward

  • Implemented UI in a python tool representing collections of level content in a visual, spatial hierarchy for ease of selection.
  • Collaborated with engine and pipeline teams, exposing game level data to my tool for an up-to-date view.
  • Optimized tool responsiveness by batching commands to stream content in C++ engine code, and multithreading python code.
  • Iterated based on design discussions with the UX lead, user bug reports, and the tools team’s feedback.
  • Documented code using confluence, tooltips, and perforce CL descriptions, to educate users and coders.

Pinball Shooter

  • Programming a custom C++ character controller using physics research to realistically simulate pinball.
  • Architecting a custom client-side prediction system to support online play and mitigate input lag.
  • Coding an extensible input system Unreal Engine Enhanced Input, Input Mappings, and Data Assets.
  • Implements streamlined, component-based, context driven AI for responsive enemy behavior.

Paper Guts

10th Annual Chico Game Jam

  • Designed wander and attack enemy AI in UE5 behavior trees and blueprints, completing the logic under 48 hours.
  • Implemented first-person locomotion and attack animations using animation blueprints.
  • Communicated asset specs to audio designers, artists, and animators, ensuring all content made the build.

Stumblebumps Unite

  • Coded a competitive 3D platformer in UE5 C++, then pitched my prototype to school faculty, getting myself selected to be lead designer on a senior capstone project.
  • Lead a team of fifteen developers by maintaining documentation for all aspects of the game, reviewing work, and responding to questions to create the final project in Unity (shown in video).
  • Ran playtests, saw minimal PvP interactions, split levels into rounds to routinely put players in proximity.


  • Designed and implemented touch-based interfaces for android platforms in Unity and C#.
  • Implemented tilt controls, using several iterations to address sense of control and camera relative motion.
  • Made status effects, transmissible between objects, using extensible component and event driven design.